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Which is worth more, a crowd of thousands,or your own genuine solitude? Freedom, or power over an entire nation? A little while alone in your room will prove more valuable than anything else that could ever be given you. ~Rumi ( poem by sufi saint)

Monday, March 29, 2010

is india a farce?

today read the news in march 29,2010 TOI about 'army gets SC nod to construct road along china-India border"......i was literally stunned to read this.
well India's army,executive & judiciary involved in a case which deals with India's border with Nepal,Bhutan & china which itself is disputed.SC of India made a central empowered committee to study proposals of border roads & study how they harm environment ,ecosystems in sanctuary.
its really mindbogglingly issue...
1. do high altitude's have deep vegetation's
2.by a border road do really ecology gets hurt.
3. considering just a highway which would be in use for 8 months(4 months winter)
would it be really bothering wildlife.

of course its almost not an issue....on the other side of Indian border china have made express border highways, hi-tech airbases & army units.... Tibet still being arid land they have build bridges , railways & roads for what?
just to shift whole Chinese army in a day from eastern front to western front.. that's it.
if Indian government & courts really are bothered of forests & ecology what about tiger poaching going on in project tiger...what about sandalwood smuggling its ridiculous to talk of ecology on such sensitive borders & just overlooking poachers in mainland.
the Indian army have to pay wild life board 71.4 crores on which Sikkim government would go for conservation... all N-E state government official & politicians them selves are involved in woodcutting activities..
its high time for Indian government to be serious on border roads when china is claiming arunachal. China's heavy activities around leh & ladakh are really bothering issues and look we are talking of courts,ecology & committees. what if china encroaching till Delhi where would our courts & govermemt sit.
--rajeev rajale


  1. ur right.........whr will supreme court sit.......in beijing or shanghai.........china can easily come to delhi......as its in leh n ladakh now......india has no leader now...no one to guide india n keep her safe...so sad ...indeed very sensitive issue
